Illustration for the novella "The Vampyre" (1819)
After starting and scrapping numerous designs, I was inspired to change the layout of the image, and eventually finished the illustration within two weeks of starting it. The novel features a Greek village with numerous artifacts, friendly locals, and a vampire that stalks the vulnerable people among them - primarily women.
The illustration is all magenta except for the blood, as I chose to color the illustrations to be the same as the cover of the book, with one splash of red.
Completed April 2022

Illustration for "Dissertation on the Condition known as Oneirodynia" (1815)
I chose to illustrate a woman in a chemise and slippers on the edge of a tall cliff. In his dissertation, Dr. Polidori explains that while in this somnambulant trance, patients can often do dangerous things that they wouldn't dare do awake, and should never be woken up when they begin to do these things, as it could startle them awake, and cause them to be injured. Thus, this image is to represent a sleepwalking young woman who has woken up to discover herself far from home.
Completed March 2022

Illustration for "The Diary of John William Polidori" (1816-1818)
This illustration was done in blue, and is mostly to represent the implications of what was written in Polidori's diary while he traveled through Europe with Lord Byron. Byron constantly humiliated him for numerous reasons - likely that he was young, thin, and had little experience with people socially, having lived in a convent school from the age of eight and then immediately being sent to medical school. His words greatly affected Polidori's confidence, even though he was undoubtedly already extremely accomplished for a twenty-year-old of the time.
Polidori removing a quill from his side is representative of him being wounded by the famed poet.
Completed March 2022

'Empire of Pain' Poster
This poster was done as a part of a contest for a school presentation occurring in April 2022 where the author of the bestselling book Empire of Pain would come to discuss the themes of the book - a pharmaceutical company profiting off of the opioid epidemic in the United States without concern for the patients being prescribed the drugs they are making. Though I did not win, I was very proud of my design. Simple, with solid, flat shapes and strong, bold font. It was very obviously inspired by block-printing and posters from the 1960s.
Completed November 2021

"The Grand Piano" Poster
The Grand Piano is a film I adore, so you can imagine my disappointment when I looked for official posters of it and found that most of them looked like still frames from the movie were simple dropped into a stock action-movie DVD cover template. I decided to try and make a classy-looking poster for this extremely classy-looking thriller film, one that looked focused more on the true star of the movie: the piano. The film goes into great detail to explain this elaborate piano, which has been built to play a special song "La Cinquette", and when the song is nearly over and has been played perfectly, several extra keys appear on the lowest side of the piano.
Completed September 2021